Brushing Baby Teeth with Finger BrushWhat to Know About Baby Teeth

You might think that you can skip a child’s visit to the dentist’s office once in a while. Or maybe you believe that their baby teeth (also called primary teeth) aren’t as important. After all, they will get a whole new set, so what’s the harm in a cavity here or there?

However, a child’s primary teeth are oh so important to maintain properly.

When problems occur with baby teeth, it can create problems for the adult teeth as well. In extreme cases of tooth decay, the decay can pass down to the adult tooth, compromising its integrity before they even begin to appear. Additionally, keeping all the baby teeth intact is essential, as they help guide the adult teeth to emerge in the proper position.

Taking care of children’s teeth will also help them establish positive oral health habits. If they take care of baby teeth, they’ll be more likely to take care of their adult teeth years down the road. And in turn, they will be more likely to keep their adult teeth intact for much longer, perhaps their entire lives!

First Visit

So when is the best time to have your child’s first visit? Just as for adults, children should see the dentist every six months, beginning six months after their first teeth emerge.


When those first primary teeth are visible, it’s time to start brushing them! Use only a minimal amount of toothpaste, about the size of a grain of rice. And specially designed finger brushes (pictured above) make the task easier on parents.

Before teeth begin to emerge, you can help your baby become accustomed to the sensation by gently brushing their gums or wiping away the milk/ baby food residue with a clean cloth.